пятница, 29 октября 2010 г.

Treatment of alopecia. (2 shift)

Treatment of alopecia (2 shift)
Hair loss problem is not new. The term to refer to hair loss hair loss suggested Aristotle, and he is still widely used in medicine.
Treatment of alopecia - is doable by using modern medical technology problem. Treatment of alopecia may the two main methods:
• non-surgical treatment of baldness;
• Surgical treatment of baldness (by transplanting one's own hair).
In order to effectively deal with baldness, a better understanding of the processes of growth and development of hair and determine the cause of their loss.
Hair growth - this is a cyclical process. Each hair periodically passes through three main phases of growth:
• anagen - a phase of hair growth;
• catagen - a phase of stopping hair growth (regressive);
• telogen - resting phase (there is hair loss).
An average of 10 to 15% of our hair are in a resting stage. Normal daily hair loss is from 50 to 100 pieces. The average rate of hair growth does not exceed 1-1,5 cm / month.
Advances in modern medicine in the treatment of alopecia revealed and to deal effectively with the major causes of hair loss.
Male pattern baldness

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