пятница, 29 октября 2010 г.

Treatment of total baldness. Treatment of the hair lose or hair replacement

Treatment of total baldness.Treatment for baldness or partial hair loss drug Mival. Prices for services and drugs.Concerned about hair loss, baldness?You are every day carefully consider their hair. Both men and women want to see your hair in good condition, but sometimes there is a problem: hair loss and baldness.What do you know about your hair, what happens when the hair loss?Hair on his head an average of 100 000 units. Everyone does not grow indefinitely, and from 2 to 6 years old. Then drops out and after some time new hair grows. Each hair passes its development cycle. Even a man healthy hair loss may reach 70, 100 hair each day.People, except for dandruff, often worried about hair loss, graying hair and baldness. The appearance of gray hair is often considered a sign of aging. Gray hair is usually characterized by the elderly. The older the person, the more he has gray hair. However, besides age, the graying, balding and hair loss can also affect other factors such as too long or a strict diet to lose weight, consumption of large quantities of cheese. Get older, both men and women, regardless of what their natural color, even on dark hair, gray hair is more noticeable.
Gray hair does not mean that they are lifeless. In fact, the visible part of any hair is already dead. But it also has an invisible part, which is located deep in the skin. This is the only living part, which is called the root. Bulb - a kind of factory. Hair grows at the expense of rapid cell division bulbs, absorbing at the same melanin that forms in the pigment cells. Therefore, if the pigment cells stop producing melanin, it becomes white.
It is believed that a violation of melanin synthesis precedes the formation of a violation of tyrosinase, but no one knows why the pigment cells suddenly stop producing melanin. And radical means of gray hair has not been found. It is also known that the pigment cells that have interrupted the production of melanin can be reopened.
Some people use new means of gray hair, such as injections of melanin, which can have serious complications. Others are painted, and this is not new. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans used the paint, and in ancient Egypt were painted bovine blood.
To permanently dye your hair takes time and effort, and some paint may cause skin irritation and allergy. Even if you painted, and then stop to do it, then, of course, unpainted roots become visible. However, gray hair can look elegant and noble, such as highlighting.A disturbance in the development of hair, hair loss and baldness

Another common problem - this is hair loss or baldness. People are faced with it for a long time. In ancient Egypt, against hair loss, loss, used a medium containing the fat of a lion, hippopotamus, cats, snakes and geese. Today the market is flooded with all sorts of means to care for hair and scalp against hair loss, loss. These funds are widely advertised, every year they spent a huge amount of money.
Baldness, hair loss occurs when the development cycle is broken. This may be the result of physiological changes caused by, for example, inadequate protein diet, an intoxication with a high fever or certain skin conditions. Endocrine adjustment can also cause disturbances in the development cycle of hair. Then they drop out before the end of their life expectancy. When addressing the causes of such violations, loss, hair loss stops, and the development cycle is restored.The consequence of hair loss may be alopecia areata. In this case, they often drop out only at selected sites around the head or body.

According to the latest medical research, alopecia is associated with the violation of the immune system, which leads to baldness
The most common form of hair loss - male-pattern baldness. As the name implies loss of hair or hair loss affects men. This pattern baldness starts with the appearance of bald patches on the forehead or hair loss at the crown. Over time, hair loss increases. The development cycle of hair in the area of the head is broken and finally stops. In the Encyclopaedia Britannica explains: "Long, strong, pigment dyed hair growing in the exposed area of the scalp, reborn into a thin short nap." This means that the process of natural precipitation, they are thinning, their life expectancy is reduced, they will gradually cease to grow, baldness occurs. These processes are caused by hereditary factors and the influence of male hormones.
Baldness, hair loss male pattern may begin in the teenage years, but usually in men after 30 and 40 years. Although many men are bald, it usually depends on the race and individual rights. Unfortunately, so far not found a radical means of baldness or hair loss. Some wear wigs or make transplantation. In many cases, thorough care helps slow down hair loss.
If your hair is falling out, thinning, and thinning, it does not necessarily mean that the bald man. Just separate the hair may become thinner - their total volume is reduced. What is the thickness of individual hair? According to one study, from 50 to 100 microns. With age, human hair is thinning. It seems that the difference of a few microns is negligible. But do not forget that a human hair 100 000. Therefore, if each hair becomes thinner, the total amount of hair is much reduced.
Dr. Parfenov GI has developed a method that is particularly effective in the treatment of alopecia apopetsii (alopecia areata), at all stages of baldness. Applying this method in practice, we can effectively without the side effects of localized lesion and reduce it to nothing. The course of treatment when there is hair loss, using the method Parfenova, runs from 3 months to two years.
It is worth noting that the analogue to this method is not found in the practice of modern medicine. What is the basis of this method to combat hair loss? Therapeutic effect is achieved by using so-called silatranes - Mival-K and certain other drugs, and physical procedures and preventive measures. This type of baldness treatment is aimed at correcting the immune system of the whole organism and is controlled by the necessary examinations.
What is Mival? This substance is a silicon organic, first obtained in 1972 in Irkutsk academic M.G Voronkov and his disciple, VM D'ya. Parfenov also added further discovery - a completely new immunogenetic theory of alopecia areata. The authors were awarded the State Prize of Russia.
  To date, the method is patented Parfenova in Russia means to diagnose and treat people suffering from hair loss.
As a result of activation of MHC - activated lymphocytes containing perforin (weapons). The proliferation of cellular immunity immune system is aimed at cell damage hair and endocrine glands.

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